



1. 當讚美進入祂的院 Enter His Courts With Praise
2. 祢是Alpha Omega You Are The Alpha, The Omega
3. 倚靠耶和華 Trust In The Lord
4. 我的哀哭變為跳舞 My Wailing Into Dancing
5. 願萬民稱謝祢 Let All The People Praise Thee
6. 永在的父 The Everlasting Father
7. 願您們蒙恩 May You All Be Blessed
8. 神若幫助我們 If God Is For Us
9. 親近主 Close To The Lord
10. 天父知道 Heavenly Father Knows
11. 祢的愛 Your Love
12. 在主裡合一 One In The Lord
13. 耶和華是我力量 The Lord Is My Strength
14. 因祢歡喜 Be Glad In Thee


貨號: 071BOOK13 分類: 標籤:
