多謝您到訪基恩敬拜音樂事工有限公司(下稱「基恩敬拜」或「我們」)的網站(https://agwmm.org ,下稱「本網站」)及/或使用基恩敬拜流動應用程式(下稱「本程式」)。當您進入及/或使用本網站及/或本程式,即表示您同意受本文件所載及不時更新的使用條款所約束。本《使用條款及條件》有中文版本與英文版本,如兩個版本有任何抵觸或歧義或不相符之處,概以英文版本為準。
- 請細閱此等《使用條款及條件》,因其就您使用本網站及/或本程式及在、從或經本網站或本程式向您提供的任何服務及內容(下稱「服務」)適用。進入或使用服務即表示您同意接受以下約束:(i) 此等《使用條款及條件》、(ii) 我們的《私隱政策聲明》,載於https://agwmm.org/privacy-policy,該網頁構成此等《使用條款及條件》一部分,以供參考、(iii)《免責聲明》,載於https://agwmm.org/disclaimer,該網頁構成此等《使用條款及條件》一部分,以供參考,及 (iv)《版權公告》,載於https://agwmm.org/copyright-notice ,該網頁構成此等《使用條款及條件》一部分,以供參考。
- 我們可能不時更新此張貼以修訂此等使用條款及條件,經修訂的《使用條款及條件》將於張貼日起即時生效。
- 您確認我們可以憑獨有的酌情決定權,在已經或沒有向您發出通知的情況下,更改本網站及/或本程式的任何部份(包括需要登記或註冊的會員專區),及修改或終止本網站及/或本程式任何部份及本網站/或本程式提供的任何服務。
- 雖然我們已竭力維持本網站及本程式恆常提供服務,但我們不保證本網站或本程式能持續、不間斷地、及/或在保安嚴密下提供服務。本網站及/或本程式可能會因進行系統維護、維修或升級而中斷。本網站及/或本程式的部份或全部可能會因我們無法控制的問題而暫時中斷或持續無法正常使用,此等原因可能包括網絡、設備或系統故障及中斷、互聯網連接中斷及其他技術問題。在任何情況下,基恩敬拜對於任何因本網站及/或本程式的訊號中斷而引起的任何損失概不負責。
- 本網站及本程式免費提供部份服務及內容,包括但不限於瀏覽及閱讀頁面圖文資料、試聽歌曲、瀏覽及複製歌詞(純文字)、下載歌譜(PDF檔案)及歌詞簡報(PPT檔案)等。但某些功能、內容、服務僅供付費用戶使用,例如透過本網站購買或下載專輯或單曲(MP3或WAV檔案),或透過本程式串流及聆聽完整專輯或單曲等。
- 您可能須預先登記會員帳號才可進入本網站或本程式的某些部分(下稱「會員專區」)。當登記時,您提供的登記資料必須為準確、完整及最新。您必須妥善保存用戶名稱及密碼,並授權我們假設任何以您的用戶名稱及密碼使用服務的人士是您本人或已獲得授權代表您的人士。您必須對登入或使用您的會員帳號後的所有操作或行動負責。如您懷疑您的會員帳號被未經授權者(試圖)使用,應立即與我們聯絡並告知懷疑會員帳號被盜用的情況;詳見本《使用條款及條件》的癸部查閱我們的聯絡方法。如您的會員帳號因遺失或因有意或無意地洩露而導致被第三者冒用,並因而導致任何損失,基恩敬拜概不負責。
- 本網站及本程式採用獨立管理及運行系統,相關會員資料並不能互通使用。因此,如您需要同時使用本網站及本程式的會員專區,須分別於本網站及本程式登記成為會員。
- 本程式或在特定期間免費提供付費會員服務(下稱「免費試用」)。如您可享用免費試用,您將獲悉有關資格。我們有權決定您是否享有免費試用資格,及在任何情況下有絕對酌情權,無須事先通知您及無須負上法律責任,而撤回或修改使用免費試用條款。若要獲得免費試用,您必須於本程式註冊為會員,並提供有效的付款帳戶資料(如信用卡資料)給我們授權的第三方收費平台,包括但不限於Stripe、Apple Pay、Google Pay等。(有關個人資料的收集、處理及使用,請參閱載於https://agwmm.org/privacy-policy 的《私隱政策聲明》。)
- 當我們檢測到一個會員帳號被多個用戶共享使用,我們會視之為安全漏洞,並會暫停、禁用或終止其帳號,而不另行通知。若我們有理由懷疑任何會員違反本《使用條款及條件》,我們有絕對酌情權在任何情況下暫停、禁用或終止任何會員帳號,而無須事先通知及負上法律責任。
- 如您對於會員帳號相關事宜有任何查詢、建議、意見或投訴,或於完成註冊後忘記、遺失或欲永久終止您的會員帳號或密碼,可聯絡我們並提出相關要求;詳見本《使用條款及條件》的癸部查閱我們的聯絡方法。
- 本網站及本程式為公眾人士免費提供大部份服務及內容,但我們保留權利,在任何時間就進入或使用本網站及/或本程式之全部或部份內容而收取費用、修訂或豁免收費,及更改或修訂涵蓋此等收費的本《使用條款及條件》;您將受該些新或經修訂的《使用條款及條件》約束。
- 本程式為已繳付月費或年費的訂閱會員提供完整音樂串流服務(免費會員只能試聽歌曲部份選段),相關訂閱費用將透過由訂閱會員提供的信用卡資料按月或按年自動續費,而不另行通知。如您欲終止訂閱,須於下個訂閱期開始前最少三個工作天聯絡我們,並提出申請;詳見本《使用條款及條件》的癸部查閱我們的聯絡方法。
- 使用本網站或本程式時,可能須向您的電訊網絡服務供應商繳付流動數據服務費用。
- 您無權張貼的內容;
- 誹謗或藐視任何法律或其他程序的內容;
- 具有誤導或欺詐成分的內容;
- 煽動仇恨或歧視根據膚色、種族、性別、出身、國籍或人種或民族本源定義的任何人群的內容;
- 譴責宗教或政治信仰的內容;
- 包含令人反感或可能令人反感的宗教或政治材料的內容;
- 不雅、淫褻、粗俗、色情、令人反感或存在問題的內容;
- 具有威脅性質的內容;
- 可能會造成滋擾、不便或焦慮的內容;
- 可能會鼓勵犯罪、擾亂公共秩序、暴力或仇恨的內容;
- 可能會損害公眾健康、安全或道德的內容;
- 侵犯其他人士的任何版權、商標、專利或其他知識產權的內容;
- 包含任何未經請求或未經授權的廣告或宣傳材料的內容;
- 包含任何旨在干擾、破壞或限制任何電腦或流動裝置的軟件或硬件功能的病毒或類似軟件或資料的內容;或
- 假冒任何人士或謊稱您與任何人士的關係的內容。
- 擾亂或干擾本網站及/或本程式或伺服器或其他軟件、硬件或連接至或經過本網站及/或本程式的任何設備;
- 違反任何有關您使用本網站及/或本程式的適用法律;或
- 收集或儲存本網站及/或本程式其他用戶或會員的個人資料。
我們使用PDF作為下載文件的標準格式,請在Adobe網頁下載 Acrobat Reader 以閱覽及列印PDF格式檔案文件;網址:http://www.acrobat.com
- 任何國家(或國家之政治分權)的法律、法規或規定;
- 任何國家(或國家之政治分權)頒發任何許可證內之任何責任;及
- 任何國家(或國家之政治分權)的監管制度下任何具有法律性及約束性的裁決、判決或指引。
基恩敬拜網站 – 建議安裝或使用下列其中一款瀏覽器的最新版本:
- Google Chrome (適用於:macOS / Windows / iOS / Android)
- Microsoft Edge (適用於:Windows)
- Apple Safari (適用於:macOS / iOS)
- Mozilla Firefox (適用於:macOS / Windows)
基恩敬拜流動應用程式 – 建議流動裝置使用下列其中一款作業系統的最新版本:
- Android 11 (API 等級 30) 或以上版本
- iOS 13.2 或以上版本
辦公時間 |
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星期一 上午十一時至下午六時 |
電話 |
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(+852) 3422-3399 |
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(+852) 5579-7131 |
電郵 |
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傳真 |
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(+852) 3580-1580 |
地址 |
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香港九龍觀塘榮業街2號振萬廣場7樓711-712室 |
- 向基恩敬拜提供與我們的業務運作有關服務或意見的任何人士、代理、顧問、核數師、承辦商或服務供應商;
- 協助基恩敬拜設計、搭建及維護本網站及/或本程式的技術人員;
- 依據香港境內外適用法律,我們須向其作出披露的任何人士。
- 聯絡用戶以提供資訊及服務;
- 處理申請或訂單要求,及跟進付款或捐款;
- 處理查詢、跟進意見或投訴;
- 識別及核實用戶身份;
- 統計資料及分析數據;
- 根據任何適用程序、法例、法規或法庭命令(不論在香港境內或境外)遵守及履行任何政府、法定、監管或執法機關的要求、有效法律程序及條例規定的義務;及
- 與上述任何一項相關的其他用途。
您在選擇和同意使用PayPal或Stripe系統繳付費用時,須受由PayPal Hong Kong Limited或Stripe Payments Europe, Limited可能不時修訂的服務條款所約束。我們盡量挑選能遵守個人私隱的支付系統,但不會為第三方網站的內容或私隱處理等負責。建議您使用該等服務前,應先瀏覽以下網址細閱其私隱政策聲明:
PayPal : https://www.paypal.com/hk/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full
Stripe : https://stripe.com/en-hk/privacy
辦公時間 |
: |
星期一 上午十一時至下午六時 |
電話 |
: |
(+852) 3422-3399 |
: |
(+852) 5579-7131 |
電郵 |
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傳真 |
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(+852) 3580-1580 |
地址 |
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香港九龍觀塘榮業街2號振萬廣場7樓711-712室 |
任何人士需要發佈、轉載或使用本網站及/或本程式提供的任何內容作非牟利用途或其他並非上述所批准的任何用途,均須事先得到基恩敬拜的書面同意。有關申請使用版權資料作非牟利用途及/或建立連結到本網站的申請,可致電 (+852)3422-3399或電郵至 info@agwmm.org 向我們的行政部同工查詢。
Last Update: 17th May, 2022
Thank you for browsing https://agwmm.org (the “Website”) and/or using the mobile app (the “App”) owned by Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry Limited (“AGWMM” or “we” or “our” or “us” wherever applicable). By accessing and/or using the Website and/or the App, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use stated herein, which may be updated from time to time. These Terms and Conditions of Use are available in both Chinese and English. Should there be any inconsistencies, discrepancies or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
A. Your Acceptance
- Please read these Terms and Conditions of Use carefully as they apply to your use of the Website and/or the App and any services and content provided to you on, from or through the Website or the App (the “Service”). By accessing or using the Service, you agree to be bound by: (i) these Terms and Conditions of Use, (ii) our Privacy Policy Statement, found at https://agwmm.org/privacy-policy which forms part of these Terms and Conditions of Use by reference, (iii) the Disclaimer, found at https://agwmm.org/disclaimer which forms part of these Terms and Conditions of Use by reference, and (iv) the Copyright Notice, found at https://agwmm.org/copyright-notice which forms part of these Terms and Conditions of Use by reference.
- We may revise these Terms and Conditions of Use from time to time by updating this posting. The revised Terms and Conditions of Use will take effect immediately once they are posted.
B. Services
- You acknowledge that we may, in our sole discretion and with or without notice, vary the Website and/or the App or any part of the Website and/or the App (including the Member Zone in which you are required to register); and modify or discontinue any part of the Website and/or the App and the services available on the Website and/or the App without notice.
- We try our best to ensure that services provided by the Website and the App are always available, but we do not guarantee uninterrupted, continuous or secure access to the Website and/or the App. The Website and/or the App may be interrupted for maintenance, repairs or upgrades. Part of or the entire Website and/or the App may be unexpectedly unavailable for whatever duration and for various reasons that may include network or equipment failures, system malfunctions and disruptions, Internet access downtime and other technical problems beyond our control for which we cannot and shall not be held responsible. AGWMM is not liable for any losses claimed due to interruption or disruption to the Website and/or the App under any circumstances.
C. Member Registration
- The Website and the App provide some of the services and contents free of charge, including but not limited to browsing and reading the texts and graphics on the webpages, listening to part of the songs available, browsing and copying the lyrics (text only), downloading music score (in PDF format) and lyrics in slide presentation (in PPT format). Certain content, features, services may only be available to users upon payment of a subscription fee, e.g. to purchase and download album or singles available on the Website (in MP3 or WAV format), or stream music and listen to songs in full via the App.
- You may be required to register a member account with us in order to access certain parts of the Website or the App (the “Member Zone”). Where you are required to register, you must provide us with accurate, complete and updated registration information. You must safeguard any username and password, and authorise us to assume that any person using the Service with your username and password is either you or is duly authorised to act for you. You are responsible for all actions or activities that occurred through or under your member account. If you ever believe or know that there has been any (attempted) unauthorised use of your account, you shall inform us immediately. Please see Section J of this Terms and Conditions of Use for our contact information. AGWMM is not responsible for any loss incurred from any fraudulent use by third parties if your account information is lost or disclosed intentionally or unintentionally.
- The Website and the App use separate management and operating system, so that any membership information is not shared within the two systems. Therefore, if you would like to use the Member Zone of both the Website and the App, you are required to register two separate member accounts respectively.
- The App may offer trial subscriptions of the paid services for a specified period for free (the “Free Trial”). If you are eligible for a Free Trial, you will be notified. We reserve the right to determine your eligibility for a Free Trial and to withdraw or to modify the terms or availability of a Free Trial at any time at our sole and absolute discretion without prior notice to you and with no liability whatsoever. In order to enjoy the Free Trial, you must register an account in the App and provide your valid payment details (such as credit card information) to one of our authorized third-party payment gateways, including but not limited to Stripe, Apple Pay and Google Pay, etc. (Please refer to the Privacy Policy Statement found at https://agwmm.org/privacy-policy for the details on collection, handling and use of personal data.)
- If and when we detect that an account is shared by multiple Users, we may treat this as a security breach and suspend, disable or terminate the account without notice. We have the sole discretion to suspend, disable or terminate any account at any time without liability, if in our reasonable opinion, any member is in breach of these Terms and Conditions of Use.
- Should you have any enquiry, suggestion, opinion or complaint arising from membership-related matters, or if you ever forget or lost your account information including your username or password, or if you intend to suspend your account permanently, you may contact us and make a request. Please see Section J of this Terms and Conditions of Use for our contact information.
D. Fees
- Most services and information on the Website and the App are provided for the members of the public free of charge, but we reserve the right at any time to charge, amend or exempt fees for access to or use of all or some parts of the Website and/or the App. We also reserve the right to vary or amend the Terms and Conditions of Use which cover such fees at any time, and you will be bound by those new or amended terms and conditions accordingly.
- The App provides a full version of music streaming service to paid subscribers with either a monthly or an annual subscription fee (whereas the free version only offers music streaming service of selected intervals). Such subscription is renewed automatically without notice with the credit card information provided by subscribers on either a monthly or an annual basis. If you would like to suspend the subscription, you have to make such request to us at least three working days before the next subscription starts. Please see Section J of this Terms and Conditions of Use for our contact information.
- When using the Website or the App, you may be required to pay a mobile data service fee to your mobile network service provider.
E. Your Use of the Website and/or the App
You must not post any content that:
- you do not have the right to post;
- is defamatory or in contempt of any legal or other proceedings;
- is misleading or deceptive;
- incites hatred or discrimination against any group of persons being a group defined by reference to colour, race, sex, origin, nationality or ethnic or national origins;
- denounces religious or political beliefs;
- includes religious or political material which is or is likely to be offensive;
- is indecent, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, offensive or of doubtful propriety;
- is of a menacing character;
- is likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety;
- is likely to encourage crime, public disorder, violence or hatred;
- is likely to damage public health, safety or morals;
- infringes any copyright, trade mark, patent or other intellectual property right of another person;
- contains any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or promotional material;
- contains viruses or similar software or data which is designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any software or hardware on any computer or mobile device; or
- impersonates any person or misrepresents your relationship with any person.
You must not:
- disrupt or interfere with the Website and/or the App or servers or other software, hardware or equipment connected to or via the Website and/or the App;
- violate any applicable law relating to your use of the Website and/or the App; or
- collect or store personal data about other users or members of the Website and/or the App.
We reserve the right to access or examine any content or information submitted or posted by anyone; and we may (at our discretion but are not obliged to) move, remove or disable access to content which we consider, in our sole opinion to breach any applicable law or to be otherwise unacceptable.
F. Viewing and printing document in PDF format
We use PDFs in places as a standard downloadable document. Please download the Acrobat Reader in the Adobe Website for viewing and printing document in PDF format. Website: http://www.acrobat.com
G. Definition
“Applicable law” in relation to any person, action or thing means the following in relation to that person, action or thing:
- any law, rule or regulation of any country (or political sub-division of a country);
- any obligation under any license in any country (or political sub-division of a country); and
- any lawful and binding determination, decision or direction of a regulator in any country (or political sub-division of a country).
“Content” includes things that you may see, read, hear, download or access on or via the Website and/or the App (including but not limited to messages, files, data, software, images, photographs, illustrations, texts, audio records, videos and other materials).
H. Privacy Policy Statement, Disclaimer and Copyright Notice
The Privacy Policy Statement, the Disclaimer and the Copyright Notice can be accessible at https://agwmm.org/privacy-policy , https://agwmm.org/disclaimer and https://agwmm.org/copyright-notice respectively. Please read carefully before using this Website and/or the App. By using this Website and/or the App, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out in the above-mentioned documents.
I. System Requirement
In order to use the Website and/or the App, you are required to have a compatible device, internet access, and the necessary minimum specifications as follows. If your device does not meet the requirements listed below, your access to the Website and/or the App may be affected and all or some functions on the Website and/or the App may not work properly.
AGWMM Website – we recommend installing or using the latest version of one of the following browsers:
- Google Chrome (applicable to: macOS / Windows / iOS / Android)
- Microsoft Edge (applicable to: Windows)
- Apple Safari (applicable to: macOS / iOS)
- Mozilla Firefox (applicable to: macOS / Windows)
AGWMM Mobile App – we recommend the device to be running the latest version of one of the below operating systems:
- Android 11 (API Level 30) or later
- iOS 13.2 or later
The software capabilities and system requirements of the Website and/or the App listed above may be amended or upgraded to include support for new functions and services at any time at our sole and absolute discretion without prior notice to you and with no liability whatsoever.
J. Contact Us
Should you have any enquiry, suggestion, opinion or complaint on the website and/or the app, or if you have any enquiry on this Terms and Conditions of Use, you may contact us during office hours in the following ways. We will record the personal data you provided so as to carry out further actions or to do proper follow-ups.
Office Hours |
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Mon - 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. |
Tel No. |
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(+852) 3422-3399 |
: |
(+852) 5579-7131 |
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Fax No. |
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(+852) 3580-1580 |
Address |
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Room 711-712, 7/F, Lu Plaza, No.2 Wing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. |
Thank you for browsing https://agwmm.org (the “Website”) and/or using the mobile app (the “App”) owned by Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry Limited (“AGWMM” or “we” or “our” or “us” wherever applicable).
We are committed to ensure that all personal data are handled in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”), Cap.486 of the laws of Hong Kong to set procedures and to ensure good practices within AGWMM on the acquisition, collection, recording, storage, disclosure, correction, erasure and communication of personal data kept by AGWMM on members of the public.
In accordance with the Ordinance, AGWMM has adopted the following policies to safeguard user’s personal information and is committed to protecting its confidentiality when accessing the Website and/or using the App. We will limit the collection and use of personal information solely for specific purpose for which it was supplied. In any event, the content of this Privacy Policy Statement is not conclusive and is subject to the sanction of Unconscionable Contract Ordinance, Cap. 458 of the laws of Hong Kong.
A. Basic Statement
AGWMM collects personal information from Website visitors and/or App users on a voluntary basis only. Personal information may include name, title, occupation, name of organization, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc. The individual information we collect is used only by us for carrying out specific functions selected by you from the collection screen. If you do not provide such personal information, we may not be able to provide the product or service you requested. Without the consensus of Website visitors and/or App users, we will not sell, rent or transmit personal information to third parties for any commercial or non-commercial purposes. However, information may be disclosed incidentally to or in the course of the operation of the Website and/or the App to the following parties:
- any personnel, agent, adviser, auditor, contractor, or service provider who provide services and advice to AGWMM in connection with our operation;
- technicians who help to design, set up and maintain the Website and/or the App; and
- any person to whom we are required to make disclosure under any law applicable within or outside Hong Kong.
B. Collection and Use
All personal data will be collected, retained, processed, used and transferred for the following purposes:
- to communicate with user in order to provide information and service;
- to follow up application or purchase order, and to settle payment or donation;
- to handle enquiry, follow up opinions or complaint;
- to identify and verify user identity;
- to conduct survey research and data analysis;
- to comply with any requirement, valid legal proceeding and obligation provided by or under any ordinance pursuant to any governmental, legal, regulatory or law enforcement agency in accordance with any applicable proceeding, legislative provision, statutory requirement or order of court (within or outside Hong Kong); and
- to fulfil other purposes relating to any of the above.
C. Data Retention, Storage and Access
All personal data collected via the Website and/or the App will be retained for such period as may be necessary for the carrying out of the purposes referred to in this Privacy Policy Statement. All personal data is protected with encryption, and is secured on server with restricted access. Only designated employees or agents who need to carry out legitimate activities or functions are permitted to access such data. We reserve the right to use agents, who are bound by strict confidentiality guidelines, to perform storage and processing functions. Employees or agents who violate this Privacy Policy Statement will be subject to disciplinary or legal actions.
D. Connect / Update Policy
Considering the confidentiality of individual information, our policy is to disclose no personal information to third parties unless release is required by law or is pertinent to judicial or government investigations or proceedings. However, the Website supports sharing of information via third-party service providers (“Share” function). Use of the “Share” function provided by external websites is at your own risk. Please refer to the privacy policy of corresponding service providers.
If you wish to review and/or correct or update your personally identifiable information saved on the Website and/or the App, please perform the review and/or update by yourself after logging into the Website and/or the App. You may also contact us to follow up. Such request to review and/or update your own personal information is free of charge. Please see Section J of this Privacy Policy Statement for our contact information.
E. Delete / Deactivate Policy
The Website and the App do not offer a way to delete or deactivate personal data. However, you may request personal data to be removed from database and we will honour such request which is free of charge. Please see Section J of this Privacy Policy Statement for our contact information.
F. Option not to receive further mailings
We may use the personal data you provided to send some promotional materials of AGWMM on occasion. If you do not wish to receive further direct donation appeal and/or service promotion e-mail, ordinary post, SMS text message and/or WhatsApp message from us, you may opt-out from receiving our information materials without charge. Please see Section J of this Privacy Policy Statement for our contact information.
G. Online Payment Gateway
Online payment system is used to settle payment on the Website and the App. You may be redirected to PayPal or Stripe to settle real-time online payment by using your credit card (VISA or MASTERCARD). All credit card data would be encrypted during transaction and would not be saved on the server of AGWMM website or the app.
In selecting and agreeing to make payment via PayPal or Stripe, you will be bound by the terms for payment which may be revised from time to time by PayPal Hong Kong Limited or Stripe Payments Europe, Limited. We would make every effort to use payment systems that share our high standards and respect for privacy. However, we will not be responsible for the content or the privacy practices employed by third-party websites. You are recommended to read carefully the privacy policy statement of relevant parties before using their services:
PayPal : https://www.paypal.com/hk/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full
Stripe : https://stripe.com/en-hk/privacy
H. Use of “Cookies”
Like many other websites, we record your visit automatically through cookies to allow the Website and/or the App to function faster and more efficiently. Cookies are some small text files sent to your computer or mobile device to record your usage preferences. These cookies will be saved in your computer or mobile device. The types of data collected by us include the type and version of internet browser, the operating system of your computer or mobile device, the IP address, the domain name of the server, etc. However, no personally identifiable information would be collected or saved.
This information collected will only be used to compile general statistics in relation to the number of visitors, usage preference and statistics of the Website and/or the App for record and reference, and for statistical and analytical purposes. We use this data for the purpose of maintaining and improving the Website and the App such as to determine optimal screen resolution and to find out which pages have been most frequently visited etc. We use such data only for system enhancement and optimisation purposes.
You may set your browser to reject cookies, but this may affect your browsing of the Website and/or using the App, and some functions or services on the Website and/or the App may not work properly. By continuing to browse the Website or to use the App, you agree to and accept the use of cookies as outlined in this Privacy Policy Statement.
I. Applicable Law
This Privacy Policy Statement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
By continuing to browse the Website or to use the App, it implies that you fully understand and unconditionally agree to accept this Privacy Policy Statement and all its changes. AGWMM will reserve the right to update and/or modify this Privacy Policy Statement without any prior notice. Please check the Website and/or the App regularly for any modifications and/or supplements which may be made from time to time. The revised Privacy Policy Statement will take effect immediately once they are posted.
This Privacy Policy Statement is available in both Chinese and English. Should there be any inconsistencies, discrepancies or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
J. Contact Us
Should you have any enquiry, suggestion, opinion or complaint on the Website and/or the App, or if you have any enquiry on this Privacy Policy Statement, you may contact us during office hours in the following ways. We will record the personal data you provided so as to carry out further actions or to do proper follow-ups.
Office Hours |
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Mon - 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. |
Tel No. |
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(+852) 3422-3399 |
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(+852) 5579-7131 |
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Fax No. |
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(+852) 3580-1580 |
Address |
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Room 711-712, 7/F, Lu Plaza, No.2 Wing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. |
Welcome to the https://agwmm.org website (the “Website”) and/or mobile application (the “App”). The information contained in the Website and the App is compiled by Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry Limited (“AGWMM” or “we” or “our” or “us” wherever applicable) for general information only.
While we endeavour to ensure updated and accurate information on the Website and the App, we do not make any express or implied representation, declaration, warranty or assurance as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, security, timeliness, non-infringement, or free from computer virus in relation to such information. We shall in no way be held liable for any consequence (arising in contract, tort or otherwise) (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage) from the use of or inability to use the Website and/or the App, or from any action, non-action or decision taken as a result of using the Website or the App or based upon any material contained herein.
There may be links from other websites to this Website and this Website may also provide links to third parties' websites. We are not responsible for the contents of such websites. This Website may contain information provided by other parties. We have not approved or endorsed the accuracy, completeness, reliability, security, timeliness, non-infringement, or free from computer virus of such information.
AGWMM does not accept any responsibility and liability for any loss or damage whatsoever arising in contract, tort or any cause whatsoever in connection with the Website and/or the App. AGWMM is entitled to delete, suspend or edit all information on the Website and/or the App at any time at its absolute discretion without giving any reason or notice. You are responsible for making your own assessments of all information contained in or in connection with the Website and/or the App, and are advised to verify the authenticity of such information or seek independent advice before relying on the information.
Your continued access of the Website and/or the App shall conclusively be deemed to be your acknowledgement and acceptance of the fact that AGWMM shall not be responsible in any manner for direct, indirect, special or consequential losses or damages howsoever arising out of the use of the Website and/or the App. We do not guarantee that any messages sent over the Internet will be completely secure. We do not accept any responsibility for any damages incurred by you if you send a message to us, or if we send a message to you at your request, over the Internet. Communications over the Internet may be subject to interruption, delayed transmission due to Internet traffic or incorrect data transmission due to the public nature of the Internet or otherwise.
Although we use our best endeavours to keep the Website and the App operate smoothly, we shall not be responsible for any liability arising in disorder of the Website and/or the App due to any technical issues (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage).
Hyperlinks on the Website and/or the App may direct users to other websites. We shall not be responsible for any content directed by those hyperlinks (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage).
We have not reviewed all of the sites linked to our Website and/or the App and are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any off-site pages or any other sites linked to the Website and/or the App (including without limitation sites linked through advertisements or through any search engines).
By continuing to browse the Website and/or to use the App, it implies that you fully understand and unconditionally agree to accept this Disclaimer and all its changes. AGWMM will reserve the right to update and/or modify this Disclaimer without any prior notice. Please check the Website and/or the App regularly for any modifications and/or supplements which may be made from time to time. The revised Disclaimer will take effect immediately once they are posted.
This Disclaimer is available in both Chinese and English. Should there be any inconsistencies, discrepancies or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
In any event, the content of this Disclaimer is not conclusive and is subject to the sanction of Unconscionable Contract Ordinance, Cap. 458 of the laws of Hong Kong.
Unless otherwise indicated, Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry Limited (“AGWMM” or “we” or “our” or “us” wherever applicable) is the owner of the copyright in all contents available on our website, i.e. https://agwmm.org (the “Website”) and in our mobile app (the “App”), including but not limited to all texts, graphics, drawings, diagrams, photographs and compilation of data or other materials are protected by copyright.
Any reproduction, adaptation, distribution, dissemination or making available of any materials or information, available on the Website or the App where AGWMM is the owner of the copyright in such materials or information, to the public or building hyperlinks to any web pages on the Website and/or the App (including loading the content into a frame or textbox on an external website or third party’s mobile app) for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited unless prior written authorisation has been obtained from AGWMM. However, materials or information contained on the Website and/or the App are, for any non-commercial purpose, freely to be browsed, displayed, downloaded, printed, re-disseminated or reproduced in their original format, provided that “Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry” as the source of the materials or information is acknowledged. AGWMM reserves all rights that are not expressly granted in this Copyright Notice.
Prior written consent of AGWMM is required if any persons want to publish, re-disseminate or use any materials provided on the Website and/or the App for non-profit purpose or in any way other than that permitted above. Requests concerning copyright issues and/or building hyperlinks to the Website shall be addressed to our Administration Officer by phone at (+852)3422-3399 or via email at info@agwmm.org .
The permission in the paragraph above does not extend to any materials on the linked websites or any contents on the Website and/or the App where the copyright of which belongs to a third party. Authorisation or permission to use such contents would need to be obtained from the copyright holders concerned.
By continuing to browse the Website and/or to use the App, it implies that you fully understand and agree to accept unconditionally the terms of this Copyright Notice and as they may be revised and/or amended from time to time by AGWMM without prior notice to you. Please check the Website and/or the App regularly for any revisions and/or amendments which may be made. The revised Copyright Notice will take effect immediately once they are posted.
This Copyright Notice is available in both Chinese and English. Should there be any inconsistencies, discrepancies or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.